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Actions for the Commercialization of the Travel Agencies Products of OSDE Viajes Cuba in the Post-COVID Stage
     Actions for the Commercialization of the Travel Agencies Products of OSDE Viajes Cuba in the Post-COVID Stage
     Acciones para la comercialización de los productos de las agencias de viajes que integran la osde Viajes Cuba en el escenario pos-covid-19

Hernández Flores, Yoan
Rodríguez González, Maité
Sánchez Borges, Yennifer
Saldiña Silvera, Bismario

Periódico: Turismo y Sociedad

Fonte: Turismo y Sociedad; Vol 29 (2021): Julio-Diciembre; 201-219


Resumo: The present research arises from the need to carry out studies to reformulate the ac­tion plan in a possible recovery scenario of the travel agencies of the OSDE Viajes Cuba after the pandemic generated by the sars-CoV-2 virus. Therefore, the general objective is to develop a set of actions for the commercialization of the travel agency products in the post-covid-19 stage. The methodological procedure consists of four stages. The theoretical and historical or trend methods, the literature review, the Delphi survey, the Internal Factors Evalu­ation Matrix and the Brainstorm method were all used as the main techniques and methodological tools. The main results were the identification of possible changes in supply and demand in a post-covid-19 scenario, as well as the proposal of actions for the commercialization of the travel agency products.