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Gastrodiplomacy 2.0: culinary tourism beyond nationalism
     Gastrodiplomacy 2.0: culinary tourism beyond nationalism
     Gastrodiplomacia 2.0: turismo culinario más allá del nacionalismo

Tettner, Samuel
Kalyoncu, Begum

Periódico: ARA: Revista de Investigación en Turismo

Fonte: Ara: Journal of Tourism Research; Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016): (Special issue); 47-55


Resumo: Gastrodiplomacy is a concept with a high potential for different usages in both tourism studies as well as for social sciences and humanities at large. It describes the use of gastronomical and cuinary cultures for diplomatic goals. One of those usages is the ways it can inform gastronomical tourism projects that extend beyond gastro-nationalism and foster regional tourism. We discuss the ways the concept of gastrodiplomacy can be taken forward beyond its nationalistic tendencies in a global world. The methodology is composed of literature review and interviews with three prominent figures in tourism and gastrodiplomacy fields. We conclude with a creative visual exploration of how can this reconfiguration titled “gastrodiplomacy beyond nationalism” be used for enhancing regional tourism and cooperation efforts.