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Geographic information systems in tourism
     Geographic information systems in tourism
     Los sistemas de información geográfica en turismo

Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel
Pedreira, Oscar
S. Places, Ángeles
Seco, Diego

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 1 No. 1 (2008); 117-134


Resumo: The Internet has become one of the most popular places to publish and search for almost any type of information. In particular, tourist information has received much attention on the Internet over the past few years, not only information about travel, resources, places, museums or monuments, but also about cultural tourism. In this article we discuss the potential offered by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the publication of and access to tourist information, through interfaces capable of generating interactive maps with information associated with each element of interest shown in the maps. In addition, as a case study, we describe the Virtual Trip of the Galician Virtual Library (, an Internet-accessible system which makes it possible, using GIS technologies, to easily access any tourist or cultural information about Galicia.