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Corporate social responsibility as an opportunity for tourism companies
     Corporate social responsibility as an opportunity for tourism companies
     La responsabilidad social corporativa como oportunidad para las empresas turísticas

Álvarez Sousa, Antón
Gomis Rodríguez, Alfonso
Rego Veiga, Gustavo
Leira López, José
Caramés Valo, Rosa
Andrade Suárez, María José

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 2 No. 1 (2009); 11-43


Resumo: This study begins with a general overview of corporate social responsibility, commenting on some of the characteristics of this new management model. The study then reviews some of the responsibilities that tourism companies can be expected to perform, as well as some initiatives, both inside and outside the tourism sector, to promote responsibility by different international bodies, and the initiatives performed by the companies themselves. The final sections study a specific initiative, standard SA8000 on social accountability, and sustainability reports.