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Company ethics and business strategies
     Company ethics and business strategies
     Ética de la empresa y estrategias empresariales

Comite, Ubaldo

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 2 No. 1 (2009); 107-124


Resumo: The theme of ethics affects the world of productive organisations. This work aims to assess its compatibility with value creation, understood as greater production obtained with respect to the value of the resources used, which is the ultimate objective of any productive entity. Business ethics involve a true stimulus for reflection on the delicate business-environment relationship, characterised by the need to elaborate regulatory structures and models for reflection on which to base common policies, management and behaviour. Faced with this evidence, it is clear that now is a perfect time to give a new orientation to business culture, in order to go beyond the simple sale of the product, placing the customer at the centre of the organisation, moving from being a technology driver organisation to being customer focused. This is a challenge which many organisations have faced in recent years, but without going beyond stating the principles. Indeed, the greatest difficulty lies in converting the principles into effective and varied behaviour. Customer satisfaction is only the starting point for building a stable relationship, but it is not enough. It is essential to focus attention on a factor which truly influences the company’s overall value: customer loyalty. This study analyses the case of the fidelity card in Italy, considered as a tool (channel), through which the company can act on the underlying elements of confidence (the so-called driver) and begin the relationship with the final customer. The fidelity card becomes for all purposes he vehicle in the trust relationship between the customer and the distributor. However, it is a tool of only a potential trust relationship when conscious activity aimed at exploiting the emerging opportunities is missing.