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The silenced faces of responsibility
     The silenced faces of responsibility
     Los rostros silenciados de la responsabilidad

de la Cruz Ayuso, Cristina

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 2 No. 1 (2009); 139-155


Resumo: This article offers an ethical reading of responsibility applied to organisations in the economic sphere of our societies. Having the current crisis situation and the measures which are generally being put forward to confront it as its frame of reference, this work critically questions the protagonism given to responsibility in that scenario and underlines the weaknesses of its hegemony. From here, the text includes a call to rescue other aspects of responsibility which are more ethical and demand greater political density, and proposes recovering the edifying value of responsibility, which calls and obliges everybody to take care of the society we are part of. The effectiveness or suitability of the different policies, strategies and tools for promoting social responsibility must respond to the challenges that the edifying value of responsibility proposes.