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From Aztlan to Wirikuta: the live pilgrimage of the Huichol people
     From Aztlan to Wirikuta: the live pilgrimage of the Huichol people
     Desde Aztlán a Wiricuta: la peregrinación viva de los Huicholes

de la Tejera Segura, Enrique

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 3 No. 1 (2010); 195-216


Resumo: Within Mexican mythology, the Aztecs devoted their processions to gods such as Huitzilopochtli, Coatlicue, Tláloc, Quetzalcóatl and Tezcatlipoca. However, there is a cult which dominates all other Aztec gods, namely that of the God Huitzilopochtli who sent a prophetic revelation that started the great pilgrimage to Tenochtitlan and that inspired this great journey across the generations for the Huichol people from the Nayarit State (origin of the ancient Aztlan.