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Company guided tours. Transforming an attraction in touristic product
     Company guided tours. Transforming an attraction in touristic product
     Visitar empresas. La transformación de una atracción en producto turístico

Savoja, Luca

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 4 No. 1 (2011); 33-56


Resumo: “Industrial Tourism” is complex concept encompassing many different tourist activities, one of them is the named Living Industry Tourism that takes the forms on touring companies while hey are operating. Living Industry Tourism is an activity aimed at providing direct knowledge of processes and products typical to or representative of the local territory. There can be various kinds of motivations for this type of tour: strictly for learning or the more ‘fun’ sort in which learning about a company comes with the chance to try or to buy the products. This paper is focused on a discussion on the main features of Living Industry Tourism and its potential and weaknesses as product marketable in the touristic arena. To show how is possible to transform the Living Industry Tourism in a concrete opportunity for toursits, the paper present even some details of an innovative case in which Company Guided Tours are offered to the segment of individual tourists in the same offer as the other tourism attractions in a major tourism destination like Turin in Italy.