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Attributes and social imaginary produced by tourists about rural areas
     Attributes and social imaginary produced by tourists about rural areas
     Atributos e imaginarios sociales elaborados por los turistas sobre los espacios rurales

Andrade Suárez, María José
Caamaño Franco, Iria

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 6 No. 1 (2013); 1-12


Resumo: Is taking place for over a decade a redefinition of the role of rural areas, which have been diversifying their uses, most notably tourism. Through a theoretical approach to the formation of the tourist image, is presented in this work another way of conceiving the perception of rural space-destinations, as a social practice of tourists, as a set of mental images everyone be created and generate a previous narrative, a look or an expectation that the tourist plays for your vacation experience. Will consider, then, the collective imagination in which tourism in the countryside is based, an area in crisis, but nevertheless, appreciated as a space tourist, once created conditions of offering.