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People with disabilities and cultural tourism: an unfinished reality
     People with disabilities and cultural tourism: an unfinished reality
     Las personas con discapacidad y el turismo cultural: una realidad inconclusa

Lázaro Fernández, Yolanda
Rubio Florido, Isabel

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 6 No. 1 (2013); 66-75


Resumo: At the beginning of this century speak of the existence of the Right to Leisure should not be something surprising since this law is a social achievement recognized in many important statements by international bodies. In these early twenty-first century, Leisure being increasingly recognized as an element of the quality of life of societies and individuals. It can even be said that there has been an institutional recognition of this phenomenon, and public authorities are involved in economic and political issues, management of facilities, services, advertising, etc., of different leisure environments (culture, sports, tourism and recreation). It is part of the defense and claim the Right to Leisure since this is a right recognized in the Third Generation of Human Rights and as such are innate attributes to humans, ie , born to him and which are inseparable from its status person. Based on these ideas, it would be necessary to justify the right to the tourism and cultural tourism by people with disabilities, but the reality is that this is not always the case, since this right is not always guaranteed to all citizens