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Safe and security as a component of quality in tourism: the case of Galicia
     Safe and security as a component of quality in tourism: the case of Galicia
     La seguridad como componente de la calidad de un destino turístico: aproximación al caso de Galicia

Álvarez de la Torre, Jaime
Rodríguez-Toubes Muñíz, Diego

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 7 No. 1 (2014); 1-9


Resumo: Safe and security is increasing relevant in choosing to visit a destination and it has become a critical key. Nowadays safe and security is a very important factor of competitiveness. This new dimension in tourism is very close to quality culture, both of them aimed at absence of defects. Despite Galicia is a safe destination, it also has been affected by negative events, for this reason, it should promote the image as a safe and quality  destination. This work was carried out by conducting in depth- interviews with several experts in different fields.