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Active tourism in A Baixa Limia (Ourense): situation and perspectives. A qualitative analysis of the opinion of local agents
     Active tourism in A Baixa Limia (Ourense): situation and perspectives. A qualitative analysis of the opinion of local agents
     El turismo activo en A Baixa Limia (Ourense): situación y perspectivas. Un análisis cualitativo de la opinión de los agentes locales

Villamarín, Pablo de Carlos
Araújo Vila, Noelia
Rodríguez Campo, Lorena

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 8 No. 1 (2015); 21-35


Resumo: The trinomial tourism-sport-nature is currently booming, combining the interest of individuals to move out of their usual environment, health and body and, finally, away from urban centers and enjoy natural environments . The number of activities involved is very broad, depending on the physical intensity sought and the means chosen for their practice (terrestrial, aquatic or aerial). That is why tourist destinations that meet the necessary requirements to offer active tourism consider this as an alternative to increase or even focus their tourism offer. This paper analyzes the case of A Baixa Limia (Ourense), a destination that has an endowment of natural resources that, a priori, make it ideal to host this type of tourism. Therefore, after highlighting the presence in the region of the key factors for the development of active tourism, the evidence obtained through in-depth interviews with professionals and experts from the area regarding different aspects that characterize active tourism in the region is presented. region: supply, demand and repercussions and future perspectives. The results obtained show that A Baixa Limia has numerous resources to become a reference destination for the practice of active tourism, although there are no companies that exploit this potential; In addition, public-private cooperation is still insufficient and it is necessary to work on an attractive complementary offer that allows a complete experience on the part of the tourist.