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A good team: outdoor training and rural tourism
     A good team: outdoor training and rural tourism
     Un buen equipo: el outdoor training y el turismo rural

Piñeiro Otero, Mar
Martínez Carballo, Manuel
Guillén Solórzano, Eduardo

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 8 No. 1 (2015); 77-83


Resumo: Outdoor Training is an innovative tool that forges relationships in a deep way among the employees of the same organization so that in practice they achieve higher levels of productivity and greater personal satisfaction in the performance of their duties and higher quality in their day a day. Likewise, in the tourism sector, customers are becoming more demanding every day, while professionals who dedicate themselves to this field become more professional. It is for this reason that the managers of rural houses have the need to know their clients before they begin to enjoy their stay in their facilities. The activities carried out in a natural environment, outside the normal scope of work, make the relationships closer and the resolution of problems is more effective. This rural environment is what allows participants to disconnect from daily problems and make participants get in touch with nature by conducting business activities, training and rural tourism that makes the learning endure over time