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Participatory strategic plan for the development of tourism in Puerto Santa Ana community, Madre Tierra Parish, Pastaza Province - Ecuador
     Participatory strategic plan for the development of tourism in Puerto Santa Ana community, Madre Tierra Parish, Pastaza Province - Ecuador
     Plan estratégico participativo para el desarrollo de la actividad turística en la comunidad Puerto Santa Ana, Parroquia Madre Tierra, Provincia de Pastaza - Ecuador

Tobanda Barragan, Angélica Aracely
Del Corral Villaroel, Victor Hugo
Castro, Patricio

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018); 48-63


Resumo: The creation of a Participatory Strategic Plan in order for the community to realize the great potential they have and work as a team to obtain alternative sources of employment and hence economic resources and avoid migration arises and acculturation of its inhabitants. This Strategic Plan will allow to float the skills of each of its inhabitants, keeping intact their customs and traditions, to inform the Puerto Santa Ana Community and especially support the entry of foreign tourists to enjoy a unique and unforgettable experience. The lack of jobs has made most of its people migrate to the city in search of income, not realizing the potential that level account natural and cultural resources.