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Spanish museums: Are they a cultural incentive for Chinese tourists?
     Spanish museums: Are they a cultural incentive for Chinese tourists?
     Los museos españoles: ¿Son o no un incentivo cultural para los turistas chinos?

Li, Yin

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019); 71-80


Resumo: As China is enjoying an on-going and sharp increase in economy, Chinese tourists are now trying to explore the world beyond the traditional shopping-and-sightseeing mode. Spain now has become one of the most popular tourist destinations for Chinese tourists in recent years. The abundant art collection of Spanish museums is not only the precious cultural heritages typically representing the cultural image of Spain to tourists, but also the potential resource for stimulating the grow of tourist profit. In this regard, the aim of this essay, The Spanish Museum: Are They Cultural Incentive for Chinese Tourists, is to provide practical strategies for museums in order to build a close connection with Chinese tourists. The possible methods like the adoption of new on-line platforms, establishment of a tailored environment and educational source for visitors, the multi-industries cooperation as well as the promotion of thematic touristic routes, will supplement the tourist policy to arouse interest in Chinese tourists.