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The tourism potential of historic discoveries: politics, redefinitions and transformations in the use of heritage
     The tourism potential of historic discoveries: politics, redefinitions and transformations in the use of heritage
     El poder turístico de los hallazgos históricos: políticas, resignificaciones y transformaciones de los usos patrimoniales

Comendador Sánchez, Mª Auxiliadora

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018); 80-98


Resumo: This article presents the results of an investigation based on an analysis of the transformation processes of the uses and definitions of cultural heritage.It shows the evolution of discourse and conduct surrounding cultural heritage that different corporations in the town of Espartinas (Seville) have adopted. For this analysis, the Loreto Monastery was used as a reference point, due to it being a clear example of this heritage transition that begun with the first activities, focused on conservation and monumental restoration works, until the opening of a hostel aimed at tourists in the convent has been studied chronologically.This last stage is linked with a new discover: the 1614 arrival and subsequent stay of the Japanese Keicho Embassy at the monastery.The study reveals that the change in narrative surrounding the monastery is a new attraction incorporated into the site that is directly related with its transformation into a resource for tourism.