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The feeling of territorial belonging in second-residents in the coast of Paraná- Brazil
     The feeling of territorial belonging in second-residents in the coast of Paraná- Brazil
     El sentimiento de arraigo territorial en segundo-residentes en la costa del estado de Paraná, Brasil.

Brambatti, Luiz Ernesto

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 12 No. 2 (2018); 99-114


Resumo: This study approaches the feeling of territorial belonging in second-residents in the seaside municipalities of the Coast of Paraná, Brazil: Matinhos, Guaratuba and Pontal do Paraná. These settlements began in this territory in a still timid way in the 1920s, occupying tracks near the ocean's edge, following the model of urbanization for leisure and second homes in Europe.Although some authors point out that in tourism in second residences there is no sense of local belonging (O'Reilly, 1995; Müller, 2002; Aronsson, 2004; Duval, 2004) from investigations in Europe, this study seeks to identify elements in the owners of second residences in the Coast of Paraná that can indicate links of belonging with the territories where they invested. The research used the quantitative research, through the application of a survey, using indicators of territorial belonging already tested by Gubert and Pollini (1992). The objective is to verify reference patterns regarding values and possible causes of an isonomy or differentiated behavior in the three municipalities investigated.The methodology used for the study of complex situations as the feeling of territorial belonging is a combination of case study, with quantitative research, using the technique of questionnaires (Survey) with 280 questionnaires to were applied, trying to answer the problem: would there be a competition relationship between the residents in the baths, with a localist perspective and the second-residents, who occasionally attend the territory, from a cosmopolitan perspective?