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Creation of a soundscape as a mediation and visitor experience tool: The case of Cardona Castle
     Creation of a soundscape as a mediation and visitor experience tool: The case of Cardona Castle
     Creación de un paisaje sonoro como herramienta de mediación y de experiencia de visita. El caso del Castell de Cardona.

Vernuccio, Angelo
Georgescu Paquín, Alexandra

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020); 72-80


Resumo: Immersive museum exhibits offer visitors an active, multisensory experience. The aim of this research is to create a distinctive new experience-mediating soundscape resource for the Cardona Castle heritage site. The resource uses immersive (binaural) audio as a means of communication and storytelling. The research includes a study of the castle’s history and the surrounding area, in order to identify possible new subject of interest, and an assessment of the exhibits currently offered at the site. The soundscape evokes different moments and situations from history to give visitors a more personal experience of heritage. The tool is intended as a sustainable resource for tourism managers and an effective way of communicating the historical value of heritage sites and artefacts.