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Micro and small tourism enterprises and the protection and sustainability of cultural heritage
     Micro and small tourism enterprises and the protection and sustainability of cultural heritage
     Las micro y pequeñas empresas turísticas y la protección del patrimonio cultural en clave de sostenibilidad

Llurdés, Joan Carles
Romagosa, Francesc
Díaz-Soria, Inmaculada

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021); 119-138


Resumo: This article reflects on the role played by tourism companies, especially micro enterprises and small businesses, in promoting more sustainable tourism through the use and promotion of cultural heritage. The study examines the relationship between micro and small tourism enterprises and the protection of cultural heritage, focusing in particular on the companies’ local ties and integration in the region. The study also discusses the question of cultural interaction, based on the idea that heritage conservation requires careful heritage destination management. The best way to make visits more profitable for companies is to involve the local community. The article concludes with an analysis of how culture and heritage are marketed by tourism companies, including the issue of image and the importance of adopting a wide-lens view of the territory in which they operate.