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Analysis of the gastronomic potential of extra virgin olive oil as a basis for oleotourism experiences in Extremadura
     Analysis of the gastronomic potential of extra virgin olive oil as a basis for oleotourism experiences in Extremadura
     Análisis de las posibilidades gastronómicas del AOVE como base para el diseño de experiencias de oleoturismo en Extremadura

Tarazona Valverde, Betsy Yanina
Campón-Cerro, Ana María
Di-Clemente, Elide

Periódico: ROTUR: Revista de Ocio y Turismo

Fonte: ROTUR. Revista de Ocio y Turismo; Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021); 61-82


Resumo: The aim of this article is to analyse the gastronomic potential of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) for the creation of olive oil-related experiences in Extremadura and the promotion of oleotourism in the region. EVOO has been part of Extremadura’s culture and cuisine for thousands of years, and is a rich source of tourist activities and experiences. The study examines the importance of EVOO at an international, national and regional level, its connection with tourism, and its strong association with Extremadura’s cuisine. Data in relation to EVOO, oleotourism, traditional Extremaduran dishes, and new culinary techniques were collected from secondary sources, while primary data on the oleogastronomic potential of Extremadura were collected through a series of personal interviews with professionals from the culinary and catering sector. A qualitative analysis was carried out using NVIVO12, following which the relevant data were visualised as diagrams and word clouds as the basis for proposals for gastronomic experiences related to oleotourism and how to market them.