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Primeiro Encontro sobre Turismo Comunitário e Desenvolvimento Sustentável nas Caraíbas, Portobelo (Panamá)
     Primeiro Encontro sobre Turismo Comunitário e Desenvolvimento Sustentável nas Caraíbas, Portobelo (Panamá)
     First Meeting on Community Tourism and Sustainable Development in the Caribbean, Portobelo (Panama)
     Primer Encuentro de Turismo Comunitario y Desarrollo Sostenible del Caribe, Portobelo (Panamá)

Pereiro, Xerardo

Periódico: Pasos - Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Fonte: PASOS Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural; v. 16 n. 2 (2018); 523-527

turismo comunitário

Resumo: Report on the 'FIRST MEETING OF COMMUNITY TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE CARIBBEAN, Portobelo, Panama, 12-14 October 2017'. For some time now, community-based tourism has become a development opportunity for many indigenous and peasant groups, especially in Latin America. To discuss this topic, the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO - Seville), the Centro de Estudios y Acción Social de Panamá (CEASPA) and the Universidad Especializada de Las Américas (UDELAS - Panama), organized a seminar that brought together researchers, politicians, businessmen and representatives of various communities and institutions in the Caribbean area. The objective was to better define community-oriented tourism, to think about mediation with the tourism market, the development factors of this tourism model, its needs and challenges.