Gary T. Leavens is a professor, interim chair of the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and interim chair of its Computer Science Division at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He joined UCF in August 2007, was associate chair from August 2008 to August 2010, and was appointed interim chair in September 2010. Previously he was a professor of computer science at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, where he started in January 1989. He received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1989. Before his graduate studies at MIT, he worked at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Denver Colorado as a member of technical staff.
Professor Leavens’s research interests include programming and specification language design and semantics, program verification, and formal methods, with an emphasis on the object-oriented and aspect-oriented paradigms. His best known work in the area of formal methods is related to the JML project, an international effort with many associated tools (see He also worked on the design of the specification languages Larch/Smalltalk (with Yoonsik Cheon) and Larch/C++ (with Yoonsik Cheon and Clyde Ruby). These languages embody insights from his work on the theory of behavioral subtyping (with David Naumann, Don Pigozzi, and Krishna Kishore Dhara). His best known work on language design and semantics is on aspect-oriented programming (joint with Curtis Clifton, James Noble, Hridesh Rajan, and Medhi Bagherzadeh) and multiple dispatch languages (joint with Curtis Clifton, Craig Chambers, and Todd Millstein) such as MultiJava. See for more information on his research. His hobbies include music and astronomy. He is married to Janet Leavens, who recently finished her Ph.D. in French Literature at the University of Iowa.
For more details, visit his home page.